Thursday, August 2, 2007

What question?

Do you believe in destiny? Do yo believe that you are meant for that special someone just waiting around the corner? Do you believe in love at first sight?...

All those mind-boggling questions often gives us the creeps and have sleepless nights over it. But I think we are all asking the wrong question... We are asking a question without an answer. It is a question that scares us... it is a question that complicates what is supposed to be a simple self-reflection.

As humans, we tend to quantify everything. Justifying every aspect of our actions just to be safe... as so not to be hurt... or be hurt again. But then, why do exist in the first place? Do we exist so that we don't get hurt? Do we exist not to make mistakes? Do we exist to be ALONE?

I think the question should be if we believe in destiny... or do we believe in true love. I think the question should be... Do we believe? **

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