Thursday, August 30, 2007

Masochistic pain

Pain is universal. Hurt translates to pain...

But the pleasure we derive from such pain is relative. Masochist are mere mortals. They also feel pain. They get hurt. They cry.

However, pain to them is not something we should run away from. In fact it should be entertained... Even sought. Absurd to some, but the logic is simple.

We derive the greatest pleasure in the widest emotional swing. Picture out having the worst day of your life then with the flick of a finger, you transcend to the state of nirvana. Now compare that to having a good day then receiving a good news? The former should have the greatest pleasure.

That is why masochists seek pain. Not because they want it... but because they want to feel the greatest pleasure. In the eyes of a masochist, that is the only way to live... but the best way as well. ***

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