Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dinner for Two

Early last night, I was with my special someone. It was a dinner for two. Beside our table were two not-so-young lovers having their dinner too. As they arrived, everything was normal. But as they sat down, the guy started to caress the hair of the girl. All the while we though that it was just another kinky display of the affection. The girl didn't seem to respond (Weird...). Then the guy was saying somethin' in the sweetest possible way. I caught a glance and saw him saying "I love you". The girl looked like she drank a whole bottle of vinegar. A not so pleasing sight. Obviously, they had a misunderstanding. It took them around 30 min to order. Luckily, the waiters were willing to WAIT... Weeee! They're waiters.

As the food arrived, they were already okay. The guy was in a state of great happiness. Much like winning the World Cup. Was he really winning? Or was he losing a part of himself in the process?

Fighting is healthy to our relationships. But too much of something is NOT good. When you are at the early stage of the realtionship, fighting is not that common. But you prepare yourself of what is yet to come. You prepare for the worst. Fights are the true test of your relationship. It is how you show your love to the person. Make-up... Break-up... Make-up...

If you don't fight at all, it may seem that you don't care. Small fights are good so that you could come up with a compromise. Big fights are also good, because it shows that you really want her, you care for her, and that you want to fight for her. But frequent fights are really stupid and immature.

This is only a part of the bad side of relationships. We should be ready to get hurt... be hurt. What is important is tha we tried... If we really make it a point to work out the relationship, it would definitely progress. The choice is ours... ***

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